Source code for drf_braces.serializers.enforce_validation_serializer

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import inspect

from rest_framework import fields, serializers
from rest_framework.fields import empty

from ..utils import add_base_class_to_instance, get_class_name_with_new_suffix

[docs]class EnforceValidationFieldMixin(object): """ Custom DRF field mixin which allows to ignore validation error if the field is not mandatory. The field is mandatory when the parent serializer includes it in the ``must_validate_fields`` list or ``must_validate_fields`` list is completely omitted. If the list is omitted, then all fields in that serializer are mandatory and must validate. """
[docs] def run_validation(self, data=empty): try: return super(EnforceValidationFieldMixin, self).run_validation(data) except serializers.ValidationError: must_validate_fields = getattr(self.parent, 'must_validate_fields', None) field_name = getattr(self, 'field_name') # only re-raise validation error when this field must be validated # as defined by must_validate_fields list on the parent serializer # or if must_validate_fields is not defined if must_validate_fields is None or field_name in must_validate_fields: raise else: raise fields.SkipField( 'This field "{}" is being skipped as per enforce validation logic.' ''.format(field_name) )
def _create_enforce_validation_serializer(serializer, strict_mode_by_default=True): """ Recursively creates a copy of a given serializer which enforces ``must_validate_fields``. This function recursively copies serializers and replaces all fields by adding ``EnforceValidationFieldMixin`` to their mro which then enforces validation for fields defined in ``must_validate_fields`` and drops their data for all other fields. Args: serializer (Serializer): Serializer class or instance to be copied strict_mode_by_default (bool): Whether serializer should use strict mode when ``must_validate_fields`` is not defined. If ``True``, then all fields must be validated by default and if ``False``, then all fields can be dropped. Returns: Recursive copy of the ``serializer`` which will enforce ``must_validate_fields``. """ if inspect.isclass(serializer): serializer = type( get_class_name_with_new_suffix( serializer, 'Serializer', 'EnforceValidationSerializer' ), (serializer,), {} ) fields = serializer._declared_fields declared_fields = None else: # when serializer is instance, we still want to create a modified # serializer class copy since if we only adjust the fields # on the instance, that can complicate introspecting, # especially when ``_create_enforce_validation_serializer`` # is used as decorator serializer = add_base_class_to_instance( serializer, new_name=get_class_name_with_new_suffix( serializer.__class__, 'Serializer', 'EnforceValidationSerializer' ) ) if isinstance(serializer, serializers.ListSerializer): serializer.child = _create_enforce_validation_serializer( serializer.child, strict_mode_by_default=strict_mode_by_default ) # kwargs are used to take a deepcopy of the fields # so we need to adjust the child kwargs not to loose # reference to our custom child serializer if 'child' in serializer._kwargs: serializer._kwargs['child'] = serializer.child return serializer fields = serializer.fields declared_fields = serializer._declared_fields if not strict_mode_by_default and not hasattr(serializer, 'must_validate_fields'): serializer.must_validate_fields = [] # this is necessary for deepcopy to work when # root serializer is instantiated it does deepcopy # on serializer._declared_fields which re-instantiates # all child fields hence must_validate_fields will be lost # adding it to the class makes it persistent if not inspect.isclass(serializer): serializer.__class__.must_validate_fields = [] # cant use .items() since we need to adjust dictionary # within the loop so we cant be looping over the dict # at the same time # Python 3 even raises exception for this: # RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration for name in list(fields.keys()): field = fields[name] replacement = None if isinstance(field, serializers.BaseSerializer): replacement = _create_enforce_validation_serializer( field, strict_mode_by_default=strict_mode_by_default ) elif isinstance(field, serializers.Field): replacement = add_base_class_to_instance( field, EnforceValidationFieldMixin, new_name=get_class_name_with_new_suffix( field.__class__, 'Field', 'EnforceValidationField' ) ) if replacement is not None: if declared_fields is not None: declared_fields[name] = replacement if replacement.source == name: replacement.source = None fields[name] = replacement return serializer
[docs]def create_enforce_validation_serializer(serializer=None, **kwargs): """ Public function that creates a copy of a serializer which enforces ``must_validate_fields``. The difference between this function and ``_create_enforce_validation_serializer`` is that this function can be used both as a direct decorator and decorator with parameters. For example:: @create_enforce_validation_serializer class MySerializer(BaseSerializer): pass # or @create_enforce_validation_serializer(param=value) class MySerializer(BaseSerializer): pass # or create_enforce_validation_serializer( MySerializer, param=value ) """ # used as direct decorator so then simply return new serializer # e.g. @decorator # class MySerializer(...) # or used as regular function # e.g. function(Serializer, foo=bar) if inspect.isclass(serializer) and issubclass(serializer, serializers.Serializer): return _create_enforce_validation_serializer(serializer, **kwargs) # used as decorator with parameters # e.g. @decorator(foo=bar) # class MySerializer(...) elif serializer is None: def inner(serializer): return _create_enforce_validation_serializer(serializer, **kwargs) return inner else: raise TypeError( 'create_enforce_validation_serializer can only be only on serializers. ' 'It was called with "{}"'.format(type(serializer)) )