drf_braces.parsers module

class drf_braces.parsers.SortedJSONParser[source]

Bases: rest_framework.parsers.JSONParser

Parses JSON-serialized data into OrderedDict.

parse(stream, media_type=None, parser_context=None)[source]

Parses the incoming bytestream as JSON and returns the resulting data.

class drf_braces.parsers.StrippingJSONParser[source]

Bases: rest_framework.parsers.JSONParser

Strip the outer layer of JSON, returning only inner layer.

This is a convenience class, so that API creators do not need to wrap their serializers in a “parent serializer” for the sole purpose of stripping out the top-level node.

Place desired root into parser-context as ‘parse-root’. Only supports descending one level of nesting.

Caller is expected to add ‘parse_root’ to the parser’s context; a convenient place to do this is in a GenericApiView subclass’s get_parser_context() method.

Example, for parse_root of “dt_application”:

input json:
        "dt_application": {
            "node1": 1234
output dictionary:
        "node1": 1234
parse(stream, media_type=None, parser_context=None)[source]